

Perfecting the Barbell Squat

By Grace Monaghan

Beginning a fitness regimen at the gym is an amazing way to jumpstart your health journey. If you are just starting out at the gym or looking for ways to improve your workouts, research. research. research. Understanding the lift helps performance levels of the exercise. Approaching a weight lifting movement and not executing it safely can lead to serious injuries or develop into a chronic pain condition. One of the most crucial compound lifts to master is the barbell squat. A compound lift is an exercise that works multiple muscle groups (like the squat) that works the quadriceps, hamstrings and calves. Other compound lifts include overhead press, benching and deadlifts. The squat, though simple in concept, should not be over looked or done carelessly. The following steps are modes to barbell squat effectively and safely. 

1. Use a comfortable amount of weight. Whether that’s no weight or just the bar, start off with an amount you are able to lift then utilize progressive overload, adding weight periodically. 

2. Place the bar on the middle of your traps with your feet slightly wider than shoulder length apart. Adjust to what feels natural! Placing the bar too high on the body leads to neck pain or strain, while placing it too low creates discomfort and imbalance. 

3. Keep. Your. Core. Tight. The squat, acting as a compound movement, works the entire body, and the core controls the main functions of your lift. Engaging your abdominal muscle stabilizes the entire lift. 

4. Push your hips back! A common error when squatting is leaning forward which can lead to serious back pain or injury. Push your hips back as if sitting down on a low stool. 

5. Do not pass your knees over your toes. Adding pressure to the front of your feet and angling the body forward causes knee pain/injury. Avoid this by pushing and balancing through your heels. 

6. Most importantly…BREATHE. Your muscles need oxygen! Holding your breath when exercising results in dangerously high blood pressure. Breathe!

Get squatting! Transformer Grace 🙂

The Transform Lifestyle Medicine Alliance Team
Transformer – Grace Monaghan

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