

Develop a Better Sleep Schedule

By Grace Monaghan

Sleep is defined as a condition of the body and mind in which the nervous system is inactive, the muscles are relaxed, and practical loss of consciousness. Simply put, sleeping is the body’s way to shut down and recharge. Sleeping does not come as naturally to some as it may to others however. For example, insomnia is the habitual inability to sleep or stay asleep that about 70 million Americans suffer from. Luckily, there are ways to improve your sleeping patterns and develop an all-around better sleep schedule: increasing physical activity during the day, increasing your melatonin, reducing mid-day naps, creating a comfortable bedroom atmosphere, avoiding caffeine later in the day and waking up at a similar time daily are all beneficial modes to a more restful sleep. There is another way to improve your sleep that might just be the most effective. 

Turn. Off. The. Technology

Turn. Off. The. Technology (phone, television, computer, etc.) In a self-conducted experiment, it was abundantly clear that technological stimulation close to bed time hindered my ability to achieve optimal sleep. Within a two-day period, I scheduled an hour on my phone before bed time one night and an hour reading a book for the next night. The results speak for themselves! The first night I ended up spending an extra hour on my phone scrolling aimlessly. I woke up groggy and not feeling rested. The following night, I only made it 45 minutes into my novel before I had to place the book next to my bed and give in to slumber. Waking up earlier than planned, I started off my next day productively and energized. 

Improving your sleep schedule/habits could take time and you may not see results instantly. What matters most is that you find a healthful nighttime routine that suits you. Cozy up with a good book, light a eucalyptus scented candle or buy yourself new silk pillows. Sleeping is vital to your overall health, so make the efforts necessary to optimize your sleep!

Get some sleep – Transformer Grace 🙂

The Transform Lifestyle Medicine Alliance Team
Transformer – Grace Monaghan

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