

Navigating Through Health Insurance

Dominique Davis, April 2nd 2021

Are you stressing out, trying to figure out what insurance plan is best for you? Are you wondering which plan is best for you? 

Navigating through the healthcare system can be stressful and confusing. Knowing how to navigate through the healthcare system is key to supporting your health. 


Choosing a doctor that best fits you is extremely important. Everyone always wants the best ranked doctor,  but that is not the only thing you should be looking for.. Find a doctor that best fits you and your circumstances. For example, and african american might want another african american doctor because they might have a medical condition that is common within that community. Everyone has different needs and it is your job to find the doctor that best fits you and your needs. It’s recommended to shop around for a doctor. You should feel welcomed and relaxed while you’re at the physician’s office. If you do not feel this way, you’re not at the correct place. Before picking your doctor, it has been recommended to do a meet and greet virtually or in person before ultimately choosing the doctor.


A lot of Americans receive their health insurance through an employer. If this is the case then it is not necessary to obtain government insurance. Ultimately it is up to you whether or not you want government insurance or insurance through your employer, but marketplace insurance tends to be on the pricier side, because your employer pays some of your insurance premiums. If your employer does not provide health insurance then you can apply through your state’s health insurance during open enrollment (make sure to check your state’s enrollment dates) at HealthCare.gov, otherwise you will have to use the federal marketplace.


I know picking an insurance plan can be tedious and sometimes a long process, but it is important to choose the right one. The most common health insurance policies are Health Maintenance Organization, Preferred Provider Organization, Exclusive Provider Organization, Point of Service Plan, but are not limited to this. When looking and comparing which plan is best for you, make sure to read the summaries of the different types of benefits because they all have different pros and cons. Look back and see how much medical care you’ve needed in the past, it can really determine which insurance plan you need.


Informed consent is a process that you go through explaining the benefits and risk of a procedure, application or therapy to a patient before starting the actual procedure. Ultimately the choice is up to you and you have the power to choose whichever plan best fits you and your needs. You also have the ultimate say on what care you do or do not receive. You are in charge/responsible for your health and should be receiving the different pros and cons of your healthcare. Look over the different types of insurance plans and decide which one would best suit you and your circumstances.


I know picking an insurance plan can be complicated, but having a good physician and picking an insurance plan that is appropriate for you will make a huge difference in your health. The goal is to never be in a doctors office, but when you do you need to make sure that you are insured and with a doctor who is attentive to your medical needs. 

Transformer Dominique 🙂 

The Transform Lifestyle Medicine Alliance Team
Transformer – Dominique Davis

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