

Advocating for Yourself: 10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor

Dominique Davis, March 22nd 2021

The thought of going to the doctor’s office can be stressful. The goal is to do everything in your power to avoid the doctor’s office, but when you do find yourself having to go it is important that you advocate for yourself and your health. According to the Medscape’s Physician Compensation Report, doctors appointments on average are 13-16 minutes. It might seem like that is a short time, but utilizing that time will be key to having a successful appointment. Asking questions will be key for better communication with your doctor and getting the most out of the doctors visit. Below, I listed 10 potential questions to ask your doctor during your appointment. Each question may not apply to you exactly, but this is to get a sense of what questions should be asked.

  1. What may have caused this particular condition and what can I do to prevent it?
  2. Why is this test being done?
  3. Are there any side effects to this medication?
  4. Why do I need this medication?
  5. What happens if I don’t take this medication?
  6. Is this medication necessary?
  7. Are my vaccinations and health screenings up to date?
  8. Why doesn’t my insurance cover this?
  9. How often should I be coming in to see you?
  10. Do I need to make any general improvements to my health?

Overall you want to be advocating for yourself. The doctor’s office can be stressful and sometimes you can be leaving with less information than you came in with. By asking these questions, you are protecting your health and gaining more information.

Transformer Dominique 🙂 

The Transform Lifestyle Medicine Alliance Team
Transformer – Dominique Davis

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