

Be Healthy Together

Kelly Bolsch, February 19th 2021

“Family health history can be found in the choices you make, the stories your family shares, and the culture of your community. Discover it and improve your health!”

Sharon f. terry president & ceo genetic alliance

There are so many things that go into making you YOU, and there is so much more that goes into shaping your health. What you eat, what you surround yourself with, and how you exercise all factor into your health. But something that is often overlooked regarding health is your family and the choices you make together. 

You and your family share genes, of course, but may also share similar behaviors or habits. Such behaviors can influence your eating habits, physical activity levels, and stress management techniques. These factors all add up into your overall state of health. Because you and your family may have similar habits or routines, it can be easy to influence one another — in both positive and negative directions. 

  • It is never too late for healthy changes. However, the earlier, the easier it may be for kids to learn these healthy habits and are more willing to embrace them. 
  • Baby steps. Family health is a process that looks different for every family! It takes time, and there may be obstacles that are encountered – but you can get through those obstacles together! 
  • Lead by example. Kids follow in their role model’s footsteps. Be their role model, live a healthy life and lead by a healthy example!

“Parents are very important in terms of arranging an environment and setting a model for healthy or unhealthy behavior,”

Dr. Leonard H. Epstein

As a parent, you have a direct role in the influence of your children’s health and how they view health as a hole. If you embrace healthy choices and a lifestyle full of physical activity and healthy eating, then I am sure that your children will embrace those choices too! Although health is not a one-size-fits-all approach, being healthy together can build a strong foundation when it comes to family influences. Being able to embrace healthy choices together, spending time with family members, and being able to talk openly about the possible struggles of behavior changes can create such a positive impact on you and your children when it comes to overall health!

I know it may sound scary, but remember you are never alone — and you always have your family to lean on for support 🙂 

“Happy healthy parents make happy healthy children,” Dr. Miriam Stoppard. 

Transformer Kelly 🙂 

The Transform Lifestyle Medicine Alliance Team
Transformer – Kelly Bolsch

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