

Take Responsibility for Your Health

Sabrina Selim, February 12th 2021

When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see? Don’t worry, this isn’t about your physical appearance. A healthy lifestyle is more than just emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical health. It’s about being content with yourself and with what you already possess.

“The greatest wealth is health.”


Don’t wait for something bad to happen to be reminded of your health. Start by doing health screenings daily for all life’s stages. Take control of your body, mind, and spirit. Allow yourself to be accepting of the way you live and identify what factors contribute to long-term health problems. Focus on the positive changes that need to be made.

Always remember two things:

  1. Do not take your health for granted.
  2. Do not take your life for granted.

Wake up every morning with a positive attitude to do what’s best for your health. Your attitude influences your life choices and determines how you choose to live each day. Start investing in your health today.

Here are some ways you can start taking responsibility for your health:

  1. Live a purposeful life.
  2. Do work that adds value to your life.
  3. Find your balance.
  4. Accept your self-worth.
  5. Laugh more often.

The earlier you begin, the sooner you can reverse any negative health effects and reset your body system to its optimal health. Making constant changes to maintain a healthy lifestyle may seem like a continuous journey, but it is the only way to heal.

So, when do you plan on starting?

Transformer Sabrina 🙂 

The Transform Lifestyle Medicine Alliance Team
Transformer – Sabrina Selim

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