

Live Your WHY?

Sabrina Selim, February 3rd 2021

Are you happy with the direction your life is headed? If you’re not sure, ask yourself, “why do I do the work I do?” It’s common to question where your life is heading. If you’re feeling lost, unsure about your life choices or decisions; then, you’re not alone. If you also think that it is too late to start living your life with purpose; then, you’re not alone. And it is never too late!

Because, you are in charge of making conscious decisions that directly affect you. 

“You don’t make decisions because they are EASY. 

You don’t make decisions because they are CHEAP. 

You don’t make decisions because they are POPULAR. 

You make decisions because they are RIGHT.”

Theodore Hesburgh 

To live your “why,” you need to make the right choices. Focus on what you want to do, not what you think you have to do. 

  • If you ever feel obligated to make choices against your own will, you are not living your “why.” 
  • If you live life to please others, you are not living your “why.” 
  • If you live your life by people’s opinions, you are not living your “why.”

Sometimes, you have to take the right initiative and do what’s best for you. You need to live life based upon your own beliefs and values.

If you’re still feeling lost and confused, take a few moments each day and write down three things that made you feel happy, sad, and passionate. Once you’ve explored these emotions, your beliefs and values will become more clear to you. 

In order to live a purposeful life, you can start doing the followings:

  1. Know your “why’s”: What is the great purpose to what you’re doing or want to do? Why does what you do matter? 
  2. Stay focused: Do not dwell in the past. Take baby steps forward that can be easily attained. Concentrate on one thing at a time and prioritize what is most important. Dedicate time and energy to commitments. 
  3. Act today: Don’t wait until tomorrow to start making small changes. Start today by setting goals and making progress.

“Life always offers you a SECOND CHANCE. It’s called “TOMORROW.”

Nicholas Sparks

Don’t give up now. Find your “WHY,” and most importantly… Live your “WHY.”

Transformer Sabrina 🙂 

The Transform Lifestyle Medicine Alliance Team
Transformer – Sabrina Selim

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