

What is Physical Health?

Lauren Gallant, February 3rd 2021

A question you’ve probably been asked about a  hundred times. But have you really thought about what it means?

If you ask your parents or grandparents, they would probably say, “not going to the hospital or the doctors” – and that may have been the standard belief when they were growing up. In the past, the terms “physical health,” and “health” were often used interchangeably.

Fast forward to 2021, and, while physical health still has the same basic definition – the physical state of our body and how it functions – the term “health” is much more complex. It encompasses physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental health to put us in a state of overall well being.

However, physical health is a crucial part of the health spectrum. It is not only the absence of disease, but the ability to perform daily tasks and live comfortably while doing the things you want to do – a term coined “functional independence.”

How do we achieve this “functional independence” throughout our lives? By participating in regular physical activity, for starters. The CDC reports that 80% of Americans do not meet the physical activity guidelines for adults and children. 

Another way to avoid doctors, physical therapists, and rehab is to maintain a healthy diet. Eat more plant-based products and whole grains and consume less sugary beverages and processed foods. A poor diet is linked to a multitude of physical disabilities and chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, CVD, and osteoporosis.

Other simple things you can do for yourself to stay physically healthy for life include getting enough sleep and finding activities that reduce stress. 

Besides the obvious benefits of staying physically healthy – lower risk of chronic disease/injury, a longer lifespan, lower blood pressure, and weight loss – there are many more added bonuses to making physical health a priority. Physical activity is a natural mood lifter! It can relieve depression, chronic fatigue, anxiety, and anger. Having good physical health also promotes a positive attitude, improves your outlook on life, and helps with self-image/self-confidence. 

What will physical health look like in the future? Well, that all depends on how we act now. Improving the physical health of yourself and those around you is a great start. Time to take action!

Check Out These Links to Help Get Started!

Transformer Lauren 🙂 

The Transform Lifestyle Medicine Alliance Team
Transformer – Lauren Gallant

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