

Boost Your Immunity!

Isabella Hsiao, August 18th 2020

You already know there are lots of benefits to maintaining healthy habits, ranging from long-term preventive effects to more immediate short-term advantages. Did you know that a stronger, more effective immune system is one of them?

Healthy behaviors and the right food choices can provide a protective health benefits by way of a healthy immune system!

Your immune symptom is an intricate network of cells, proteins, and antibodies that work together to prevent and limit infection from pathogens like bacteria and viruses, keeping us as healthy as possible. It is important to keep your immune system as strong as possible, especially in our current time when so many people’s health is compromised and with new viruses such as COVID-19.

Consider the below steps to boost your immunity and keep your immune system functioning well:

  • Eat a nutritious diet – Eating well allows the body to function well, including the immune system. Healthy immune systems need good, regular nourishment. This includes most of your nutrients being attained through whole unprocessed plant-based foods such as – Fruits, Vegetables, Whole-Grains, Legumes, Nuts and Seeds.
  • Exercise regularly – Exercising can contribute to general good health and therefore to a healthy immune system!
  • Reach and maintain a healthy weight – Achieving a maintaining a healthy weight is important in strengthening your immunity.
  • Sleep well and get enough sleep – There are important parts of the immune response that occur during the different stages of sleep and are regulated by our bodies’ circadian systems.
  • Minimize stress and/or cope with stress in a healthy manner – Negative stress can suppress immune system functioning.
  • Do not smoke – Smoking, as well as some other drugs, weakens lungs and suppresses your immune systems.
  • Limit or avoid drinking alcohol – Excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with immune functioning.

Continuing to frequently wash your hands and practice good hygiene habits is important to stay healthy and well, but it is also smart to develop and maintain lifestyle habits that will keep your immune system (and overall health) in good shape!

Your friends,

The Transform Lifestyle Medicine Alliance Team
Transformer – Isabella Hsiao

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