

Get Moving!

Vicki McGhee, August 7th 2020

Do you dread exercise?  Cringe at the thought of working out?  Intimidated by the gym?  Well, at this point, maybe you just aren’t up for being in public spaces more than you have to be.  Over the past few months we have been on this roller coaster ride of uncertainty.  One thing is for sure, moving more can help keep your mind and body strong.  Moving more throughout the day can help clear your mind, think better through the day, and sleep better at night.  

So what if you started thinking more in terms of moving for functional, long term health, instead of the short term dreadful thing you must do?

Let’s not overlook the short term benefits of moving more:  burning calories, sculpting muscles, cardiovascular health, thinking more clearly, sleeping better. The list could go on & on.  You get the point.  It’s good for you! 

Have you considered the long term impact of moving today?  How moving a little more today and tomorrow may help you in 6 months or 6 years?

Developing good habits today will pay high dividends in the future.  Things like your flexibility & balance are very important to staying healthy and independent throughout our lives.  

Things to consider as you start moving more: 

  • Start doing a few squats before sitting down a meal at a time
  • Push ups or sit ups during tv commercials
  • Chair yoga or barre workout from home
  • Try a new activity or go back to an old one. Examples include throwing axes or hula hooping.
  • Dance your heart out in the middle of the living room or kitchen (your preference)
  • Park further away at the store or at the opposite end of your starting point. There is something very appealing about front row parking spaces. 

Really, what we are suggesting is any movement that you like is worth doing today & everyday.  Eat more plants, move more, live longer & stronger


Your friends,

The Transform Lifestyle Medicine Alliance Team
Transformer – Vicki McGhee

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