

The Progress Behavior Change System – Are you ready to progress?

Isabella Hsiao, July 3rd, 2020

Lifestyle medicine is an amazing approach to work towards living a healthy, happy, disease-free life. Taking even the smallest steps towards living a healthier life can have very positive outcomes and can prevent many of the most detrimental health issues that our country faces today. Working towards sustainable healthy habit changes of any magnitude will allow you to obtain both short-term and long-term benefits that can improve your quality of life better than any medication you could buy!

The Progress Behavior Change System our team has created is intended to be used as a framework to help guide you towards setting specific goals and determining strategies that will be effective and sustainable for you

The system provides guidance and encouragement to help you succeed. When someone else – a friend, family member, doctor, health coach – tells you what to do in order to make a healthy change, you may or may not listen, but when you figure it out for yourself, you may find yourself more motivated to make the change. The incorporation of self evaluation into the Progress model is intended to be used as a tool to discover personal motivation and meaning behind your behavior change. The system provides you with the information you need to know to make the change; but, we challenge you to dig deep and discover why making a healthy change is important to you and worth taking steps to progress. Our suggested time frame for making a behavior change is 31 days, however, everyone progresses at a different rate and some goals may take longer to achieve than others. An essential component of change is that you must make it a priority, commit to the change and persevere. 

The Program Behavior Change system consists of 9 simple steps: 

Assess – Evaluate current health habits and think about how you would like things to be different.

Purpose – Find your why and your reason for wanting to make a healthy change.

Prioritize – Narrow it down to one main health behavior that you want to focus on changing.

Mindset – Determine how you will choose to think about your change efforts. Keep in mind your motivations and what they mean to you.

Game Plan – Determine what is required and what strategies would yield the greatest return/reward. Set specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-oriented goals.

Action – Put the game plan into motion and implement strategies you came up with to help you achieve your goal.

Reflect – Think back on what you accomplished and what you learned from the experience.

Improve – Continue to progress and consider using this strategy to improve in another area of your life.

Lead – Lead by example and serve others. You are able to demonstrate to others what is possible and have a positive influence on them.

While healthy behavior change is important, it is not always easy. It is a process that can be long, complex, and uncomfortable, but discomfort is the catalyst for growth. And while growth and change can be challenging, nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong! You owe it to yourself to live well and live healthily, and you are capable and equipped to achieve your goals to make that happen. Are you ready to make Progress? If so, check out our Progress System tab by clicking here.

Your friends,

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The Transform Lifestyle Medicine Alliance Team Transformer – Isabella Hsiao

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