

Virtual Holiday Gathering Tips (if unable to meet in person)

Amrita Tailor, December 21st 2020

Making and cultivating relationships is very important when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Socializing is necessary and can improve your mental health, as well as, reduce the risk of high blood pressure and cancer. It is also proven to increase the length of your life and obviously… the quality! So, finding ways to socialize, especially when you are unable to see people, is crucial. 

Planning gatherings with family and friends can be hard enough without having to take into account Covid-19 restrictions. This year, if you are unable to see people in person you can try hosting virtual holiday gatherings to connect. Planning virtual gatherings is simple and to be honest, it can be more convenient than having to drive or even fly to see people. Consider using the below tips for family/friends afar and that you may not usually be able to see during the holiday. All you need to do is contact your family and friends and plan virtual activities! 

Consider the below steps to host a virtual holiday gathering: 

  1. Contact the people you want to attend your gatherings
    1. Text or email family and/or friends so you can gather virtually over the holidays!
  2. Plan out the day(s) that you want to meet
    1. Contact your family and/or friends to plan the day or days you want to meet.
  3. Choose a virtual video platform such as Zoom or Google Meet (super easy!)
    1. Google Meet is currently free if you have a Gmail account that can host a 60-minute meeting. 
    2. Zoom has a free option, however, you can only host 40-minute meetings. If you want to have longer meetings, see if any of your attendees have an unlimited Zoom account or get a Zoom Pro account.
  4. Plan out activities
    1. There are so many different activities you can do over Zoom or Google Meet.
    2. Here are some examples: 
      • Make a Recipe: Each family can choose a recipe to make or everyone can make the same one. To find examples of vegan dishes check out our YouTube channel here and from Forks Over Knives (includes everything imaginable!)
      • Play a Game: There are so many virtual games you can play. From Bingo to online trivia, there’s definitely a game for everyone. Find games to play on Zoom and other video conferencing platforms here
      • Make a Craft: Crafts are one of the best family-friendly activities to do virtually. They are easy to do and the materials are easy to get. Find some easy family-friendly crafts here
      • Virtual Holiday Dinner: Everyone can make (or order) their favorite meal and eat dinner together over Zoom and other video conferencing platforms. It’s the perfect way to emulate the excitement of holiday dinner!
      • Gift Opening Zoom: If your family opens gifts during the holidays, have everyone get on a call to open their gifts together! It’s just like being in the same room! 

If you can spend time with your family and friends this year – great; however, if you are unable or choose not to do so, consider virtual options. Hosting a virtual holiday gathering may be the way you decide to connect with family and friends this year. So get planning because the virtual gatherings are not going to plan themselves!

Whatever you choose this year or whichever holidays you celebrate, our Transform team wishes you a happy and healthy holiday season!

Social health and relationships matter! For more information on you can strengthen your relationships please check out our Cultivating Relationships Page.

Additional Resources:  US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

The Transform Lifestyle Medicine Alliance Team
Transformer – Amrita Tailor

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