

Eat More to Weigh Less

Jarrett DeLeon, February 10th 2021

People often struggle with the goal of losing weight. When people don’t see immediate results, especially during the beginning of their journey, they give up the entire process. Some individuals even find ways to lose weight quickly and try to take a shortcut. While it is possible to lose weight in a short period of time, it is extremely unhealthy and can do more damage than good to your body. Healthy weight loss is not something that can be accomplished overnight, and if done correctly, the benefits are endless.

“If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food.”

Errick McAdams

Would you be surprised if I told you that you can lose weight by eating more food? Most often, weight gain is a result of eating simple carbohydrates and processed foods and high caloric foods. There are many different foods you can eat and lose weight. If you want to eat more to weigh less, you should try these ways to do that! 

  • Eat more complex carbohydrates and high-fiber foods. Complex carbohydrates and fibrous foods take longer to digest so your body uses more energy to break them down. Eating more whole fruits, vegetables and whole grains can accomplish this.
  • Calorie density is the amount of calories (energy) in a specific amount of food. Foods with a lower energy density provide fewer calories per gram than foods with a higher energy density. For weight loss, the goal should be to eat low-energy-dense foods that are high in weight. Eating low energy dense foods like oats, berries, and vegetables can help you lose weight in the long run. Eating these would also help you feel “fuller” in the process. Check the nutrition facts before purchasing items!
  • Eating vegetables can go a long way in helping you lose weight. Vegetables are low in calories but high in volume and weight. A lot of vegetables such as cucumber, tomatoes, and spinach contain water, which increases the weight of food without the calories. Vegetables are full of nutrition like essential vitamins and minerals that can help your body improve your metabolism and burn belly fat. 
  • All types of fruits can fit into a healthy diet. Some fruits are lower in calories than others are, but overall, fresh, frozen and canned fruits are good options. The only ones that you should stay away from are fruits with syrup in them.
  • A lot of carbohydrates are made up from grains, such as cereal, rice, bread and pasta. Whole grains are the best option in terms of carbohydrates because they’re higher in fiber and other important nutrients. For whole grains, emphasize foods such as whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta and oatmeal.
  • Foods like legumes, beans, peas, and lentils are a good source of protein. Eating these, on top of grains, vegetables, and fruits can provide enough protein for your diet. Eating a variety of plant foods in sufficient quantities can help the body get more than enough protein. 

You won’t reach your goal overnight, but with motivation, consistency, and dedication to these healthy eating habits, you can achieve your weight loss goals! Eat more to weigh less… 

Stay Well!

Transformer Jarrett 🙂 

The Transform Lifestyle Medicine Alliance Team
Transformer – Jarrett DeLeon

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